Infinite Banking Concept Reviews – Legit or Scam?

Infinite is a website run by Nelson Nash, who wants to educate you on “becoming your own banker” by using whole life insurance policies to finance your major purchases (house, car, etc.), rather than the traditional method of borrowing money from a bank which you then have to pay back with interest.

Whole life insurance policies are a combination of life insurance and forced savings policies – the “forced savings” part meaning that part of your premiums are invested and bring you a small return.  The specific attribute of whole life insurance policies that the Infinite Banking system is focusing on, however, is the fact that you can borrow money from this policy.

Infinite Banking claims that investing in a whole life insurance policy and then using it as a source to borrow money from rather than borrowing from a traditional bank will save you the money you pay in interest over the course of your life, which could obviously add up.

To be clear, Infinite Banking is not a system that claims to make you money, rather they say that their system will save you money. Also, they are  not advocating that whole life insurance is a superior policy to term life insurance in the terms of payouts after you pass – their theory is that it is more important to have access to the money you pay into life insurance while you’re alive, rather than to have a large sum paid out after you die.

Understanding the workings of a whole life insurance policy is difficult, and Infinite Banking and Nelson Nash credit this by saying you may have to read through their text Becoming Your Own Banker multiple times before you truly understand how to utilize their system. This seems fair, as a quick skim of financial articles discussing term life insurance policies versus whole life insurance policies has enough numbers, percentages, and sample scenarios to make your head spin.

While the Infinite Banking system doesn’t seem to be for the faint of heart, there are advocates out there who say people without a lot of credit card debt and who have 5-7 years to invest in their policy before borrowing money from it might be able to benefit from this program.

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Average Rating for " Infinite Banking Concept " is 0 out of 5 based on reviews.
  • This program works even for college students , I started my policy a year ago., and have used my cash value policy to go to school several times, any time I need cash I call up the insurance broker and borrow my cash, as long as I pay back the money I can alway rely on that money to be my stimulace package.
    • Doug: I guess you are too old to realize that younger generations rely on spell check, which doesn't make them uneducated. If I spent all my tuition money to learn spelling, I would be pretty pissed off. Stop being a cranky old hater.
    • Are you really going to college, Matthew?

      They didn't teach you how to spell "stimulus?" Get your money back from the damned are wasting your time and money!!!
  • Let the "experts" try to shoot holes all day. Once you've grasped the concept and have actually implemented it, you could never appreciate it. My policy is going on 3 years and it's bailed me out many many times. In fact my credit score (as if I care) shot from 604 to 813 because I only use credit cards for living expenses for the points-back and always pay back. AND if I ever get in a pinch I never pay a penny of interest, I simply borrow from my Policy, pay my card, then pay my Policy loan back with the interest (my choice!) I WOULD have paid the credit card company. In the meantime the money I borrowed out is STILL earning interest as if I never borrowed out! So I'm not only recapturing interest I WOULD have paid, I get interest on borrowed money! How's that for turning the tables? I did it. I do it. It works.
    • Let's keep something clear here. An insurance company is a private business. It's in business to make money. And the money it makes has to come from somewhere. It doesn't just appear out of thin air.

      Insurance policies were always long and complicated and difficult to understand until the term life insurance companies came along and stole the market away from the whole life companies because Term Life is (or should be) plain, understandable and straightforward.

      Whole life salesmen have always gotten their sales by promising big, big things from the "little bit" that the customer is paying for his insurance. But the reality is that whole life policies are still written in a way that ensures the company will make a profit. That's the only thing that's important to the company- pay the employees and make a profit.

      You can promise all day long to give the customer 5% interest on "their" money, plus give them $125k or $220k or $400k of insurance, but the insurance company will always write in a clause so that if something goes wrong, they will make their money (even though the customer gets the shaft).

      Here's an idea- save $20,000 per year in your own conservative investment account (instead of paying a whole life insurance company) and in 5 years or 10 years you will have that plus whatever interest you've made and if you want to take a loan from yourself to buy a car or a house you can. And when you pay it back you can add in the interest you woould have made. And you will know that no one is taking money out of your account to pay the army of clerks, accountants and salesmen and profits and overhead that is required when you are running an insurance company. then take a little of your money and buy as much term insurance as you think you need.

      Don't let the wording in a whole life insurance policy trick you into thinking you're getting somehting for nothing because you're not. And don't let the anger of the salesmen who posted previously intimidate you into believing they know something you don't. they get angry when someone criticizes their program because their salary and lifestyle depend on it.
  • Don't be misled or confused between borrowing from the cash value of your policy and taking a policy loan. This is where the integrity of the policy is not compromised at all. It continues growing, paying dividends and/or purchasing paid up additions.The cash value is only used as collateral for the loan. (tax free I might add)
  • I like the priciples but I'm scared of the MEC and have not found any good examples from anyone how to make sure your policy does not become a MEC or classified as a (Modified Endowment Contract)
    • The company can increase the amount of your paid up additions by adding in a term rider, which will increase the face value of your policy, thus giving you a higher amount you can contribute towards cash value without becoming an MEC. This is because term insurance is much cheaper than whole life insurance for the same face value.
    • From my understanding the Insurance Company will track the premiums to ensure that you remain under the MEC. If it looks like you are over they will refund the difference with interest. You will have to pay taxes on the interest of the refund. Your account though will not be affected. If you do not respond in the 60 days of notification to allow the Insurance company to refund then your account could be labeled a MEC.

      Also it is a 7 year test. So you could potentially over fund in the early years and reduce towards the end of the sliding period. It is also my understanding that the PAD rider as it increases the insurance level also increases the MEC threshold. I am not certain of this... I hope to find out this weekend.
  • I would like to know if anyone out there can guide me in choosing a mentor for IBC. I think the plan can work, but someone with less THOROUGH understanding of IBC and a whole life insurance policy needs someone to help prevent MEC-ing or exceeding the amount you can put in the policy after a certain point.

    I know there is a local agent that consults and sells these policies for infinite banking, but how can you choose an honest one?

    Thanks for any advice!
    • Amanda,

      I can truly appreciate your concerns. And unfortunately in this day and age, they are certainly justified. But I would more than welcome the opportunity to try and address any of your questions and/or concerns.

      I've been in the Financial Services Industry for nearly 25yrs and have worked extensively in the Life Insurance Arena as well as IBC. I can confidently say that of structured properly, it is clearly one of the most unique and powerful resources available to help maximize the use of your money, protect against the volatility and the uncertainty in the market and provide a long-term financing tool.

      Please feel free to contact me at your convenience...


      Richard Schaffer


      Prestige Equity Group

      561.350.7557 - Direct
  • the concept is good. But the dependancy/ control is back to the banks. This concept will NOT work if the banks raise interest rates on these types of loans and/or make it articifially difficult to access the cash value inside the policies.

    when banks have liquidity issues,it has been proven that they refuse to lend out these CSV loans...........the money then gets stuck inside a life policy !!
    • What are you talking about? The policy isn't with a bank, it's with an insurance company. As owner of the policy, you take the loans when you request them. You cannot be denied, because you own the policy.
  • Infinite banking has changed our future exponentially. As we borrow from our policies, pay them back with interest, we watch our cash value and death benefit grow. We borrow from our policy and faithfully pay it back as we would if we borrowed the money from a conventional bank, our money grows. It has allowed us to live at a higher standard and not worry about retirement. No scam here. After studying this concept and now practicing it, we have made a shift in our basic understanding of how to use and grow wealth.
  • I attended a seminar in Columbia, SC and the information presented was clear, concise, and noteworthy. The host shared in detail the workings of Infinite Bank/Becoming Your Own Bank and answered many questions from the audience.

    I have a friend who set up a whole life insurance policy which incorporated the Infinite Bank idea and he seems very happy with his (individual) results. The idea is worth looking into and as an MBA graduate, I like what I see thus far.
  • To anonymous let me just say that I met Nelson Nash in 1997 when the Infinite Banking Concept was very new and fresh. I have been friends with Nelson ever since and have used this concept for years. This is really not rocket science. Banks make money on the spread between the cost of storing other people's money and what they charge to lend it. One can borrow money for a low cost from the insurance policy and pay back the loan at the going lending rate. The money from the spread goes to increase the cash value of the policy. Insurance policies are designed to become increasingly more efficient over time which is why they are a great long term repository for money. There are many of us agents out there who are very qualified to help folks use this concept successfully. Anyone who calls this a scam is quite simply misinformed and does not understand banking.
  • I find it interesting as I have read several blogs on "Is infinite banking a scam?", that I haven't heard of anyone who has actually used the process, complain about it or say it was a scam. I would love someone to point me in that direction. It would be nice if we could base our comments on facts and not conventional wisdom or emotions.
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