Newsmax’s Aftershock Survival Guide Reviews – Legit or Scam?
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Newsmax’s Aftershock Survival Summit was a website presentation created in 2011 for promoting the ideas and concepts of economists Robert Wiedemer, David Wiedemer, and Cindy Spitzer, who wrote the book Aftershock.

Recently the featured presentation has been rereleased as the Aftershock Survival Summit 2013 and is a video presentation of an interview with Robert Wiedemer.

This interview covers a description of what went wrong with the economy and how he and his fellow economists were able to spotlight these problems before anyone else could.

The Newsmax’s Aftershock Survival Summit 2013 then discusses with Wiedemer the potential problems that may still affect the American and global economies within the next two years or so, and what the average American should do to protect themselves.

Why Did the American Economic Bubble Burst?

According to Wiedermer and his associates, the bubble burst because the growth of the Stock Market and the housing market was artificial. “Artificial” because they were growing at rates significantly larger and faster than both the economy and personal income levels.

Now, this is not especially groundbreaking news. Since the market crashed in 2008, many economists have pointed out this same explanation.

The difference between Wiedemer and his associates, as pointed out by, is that they weren’t explaining the financial crash, they were predicting it. They published a book in 2006, America’s Bubble Economy, which explained and foresaw the current economic recession.

This impressive economic prediction is why Newsmax is featuring the Aftershock Survival Summit – to get Robert Wiedemer’s opinion on what American’s should do next to protect themselves.

What is Newsmax Offering?

Newsmax is offering a free copy of Wiedemer and his associates’ new book, Aftershock, along with an unpublished chapter that was “too controversial to be published.” You can get your copy for free, with just a $4.95 Shipping & Handling fee.

Along with the free book, you will receive three free trial subscriptions to newsletters: The Financial Intelligence Report, David Skarica’s Gold Stock Advisor, and The Franklin Prosperity Report.

If you do not cancel these trial subscriptions before they run out, you will be charged $99, $99, and $49, respectively, to continue your subscriptions, but if you choose, you can cancel them at any time.

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Customer Responses, Reviews, or Complaints

Average Rating for " Newsmax Aftershock Survival Guide " is 1.89 out of 5 based on 72 reviews.
  • So what's the truth? Is this a scam or for real???
  • The book was published some time ago, so suggest you look for it at your public library.
  • The news companies sell fear to us everyday while selling us the ABC, NBC and CBS News, etc. This is just someone else selling fear. With some advice mixed in. Mostly FEAR!

    I think it is a scam. All through the story they kept saying it was free. Nothing is ever free and this isn't either.

    Please don't sell your homes. Do get a fixed rate now as rates will be going up as inflation does.

    Pay off your bills. I have. I paid off my truck. I was at the end of my payment schedule. No credit card bills with variable rates.

    I think I will be fine. I will be doing my regular investing. Nothing will change. I will be investing more though. Saving more.
    • The deficit will be 35% less in terms of dollars than it was in 2010. Things are getting better, not worse.
    • I don't agree with everything that Aftershock said but to think "nothing is going to change"? Wow, the national debt has raised over 46% over the last 6 years. THINGS WILL CHANGE! Be prepared, stop thinking that the government will keep this whole thing afloat!
  • Case study in marketing strategy of the most morally repugnant kind, following the script of Eddie Bernays.

    1) create a false sense of need: publish a book that permeates public thinking with fear around an existing stress point (in this case our economic woes) and offer a 'solution'

    2) tell people how to meet the need you just created: publish an easily accessible 'strategy' manual and make sure it is well publicized

    3) meet the need and get rich: simultaneously and quietly create and invest in ventures that you recommend and squeeze them for full profitability, then dump them

    4) repeat
  • The fundamental ideas presented in the book make sense. But where's the rub? "Sell your house and everything of value except what you need to get to work and entrust your money to us." Paradise awaits you in the afterlife (in this case "the aftershock"). I'm going to sell my properties that are paid off and start paying rent? To whom? Aren't they going to be affected to? Won't they just increase the price of rent when the aftershock comes? As long as you can keep your job, sounds like it would make sense to buy the most expensive properties on the longest fixed term loan you can right now and watch the debt get inflated away when the aftershock hits. There was a whole chapter on how Bob was hurt because he wasn't accepted in the Economics community. Sounded kind of psycho. Psycho con-artist, but again, the fundamental ideas do make sense. I just wouldn't trust these people with any of my money. I hope no one sold their paid off houses on these guys advice and are stuck paying rent.
    • When he says sell he is recertification to people with home mortgages, not homes Passos outright.
    • barak bush, I believe you have made more sense that the rest of the collective comments combined.
  • I found the book interesting. Some points I agreed with, disagreed with, found plausible or logical.

    Interestingly, the authors seem rosy about the rise of a one-world economy and international currency, as if it will solve the problems of our central bank and fiscal irresponsibility. It ignores the issues of world domination through further consolidation by the shadowy international banking elite.

    It cites adequacy and expansion of welfare programs as a mitigating factor to the "super depression", though it does admit the costs of 40-50% unemployment will be supported by the middle class.

    It refers to some relatively concerning changes as "evolution"

    From a philosophical perspective, I find these issues, particularly the globalist views, puzzling and questionable. Brave new world, I suppose.
  • Here is the best advice anyone can get.

    1.) Do not spend more than you earn.

    2.) Do not expect to ever get rich quick, so stop wasting your time and money on any hypes or claims.

    3.) Be very VERY frugile and save every bit of money you can. You will never know when some large financial hit will happen to you, and it will be great to be prepared. Plus, having a large amount of money for retirement is something everyone needs.
  • How many know that when Clinton allowed the investment banks to operate as the other "banks" in 1999 they (the investment banks) devised a scheme? If you think Bernie Made off with funds, or Corzine's MF (Missing Funds) Global was some kind of mistake, WC Fields was correct, there is one born every minute-but that was a LONG time ago, now one is born every second, if not 2 or 3 every second!

    Bottom line is FRAUD is FRAUD. No one bought homes they could not afford, the "lenders" scammed all of the 99.9% of "us". FHFA filed lawsuits on Sept. 2, 2011, and on Nov. 28, 2012 federal judge bound them over for trial in the largest FRAUD scheme in history! 1st tenative trial date is scheduled for January 2014. The charges are criminal in nature, and only for the miniscule portion for Freddie & Fannie ($400Billion+-) You can see one of the lawsuits here:

    Pay attention to the last 3 (of 9) CAUSE OF ACTIONS, FRAUD, MISREPRESENTATION, and they (the lenders and their CEO's)KNEW EXACTLY what they were doing. After the S&L dibacle in 1989, Bush sr. created the RTC (Oct 89) sole purpose to close all S & L's in America which no loger exist today. RTC "fazed" into the FDIC January 1996. Appraisals (the one and only way to determine values of real property) had guidlines established (USPAP) and appraisers became licensed. Following the USPAP guidlines, a condo IS worth a MILLION dollars when everyone gets a loan!

    The lenders (or scamers) and only the 17 bound over for trial, using a "special purpose vehical" called a REMIC (Real Estate Mortgage Investment Conduit) defrauded the investors, including Fanny & Freddie, to get their money, ARTIFICIALLY DRIVE UP PRICES, for one reason only!

    If you have not guessed it yet, the reason was MONEY! Not the peanuts Mr. Anthony Mozillo made by "systemic fabrication of documents for borrowers" but to resell the REMIC'S to the investors. Look at the size of the REMIC's and the quantity. TRILLIONS! What investor, $100 million or $1.6 Billion expects to buy that size of an investment for zero? THAT IS WHERE THE SCAM TOOK PLACE, selling the REMIC's in the "secondary" market. All the rest of "us" the 99.9% of the population were "fodder", like it or not, that is the TRUTH.

    To allow this to continue, and allow the "lenders" to FORECLOSE on FRAUD LOANS is AGAINST THE LAW. The sad fact is, it does not matter what color you are, what religion or who you have sex with, it only matters they got your money, and will die (or kill) to keep it!

    Suckers born every second! Fraudsters and Banksters are not born, they are by design! Their design to manipulate for their gain! Sad but true! MOVE YOUR MONEY! Why support anyone (or any company) who has caused so much harm? Do the research, it's not like you need to physically drive to the library of congress to read what is available online today! BECOME your own hero! Stand up for yourself!
    • Actually, David Hannum said "there's a sucker born every minute." And he was one of them. Ad Hominem argument anyway.
    • Wait a minute, while I firmly believe the lenders were part of the housing crisis, you simply cannot place all the blame at their doorstep. Banks 'behaved' as a profit seeking entity would in a capitalist society. Clinton, basically co-signed every single mortage with federal money. If there's no risk to a loan, (and there isn't if the fed gov't is backing it), why wouldn't you loan as much money as you could if you KNEW one way or another the money would be repaid? I blame Clinton more than I blame anyone. You are all acting as though an 'entity' should have a conscience. An entity is not a human being, it has no conscience; it simply seeks a profit. An entity is run by humans whose job it is to seek profit. Should they have been more responsible? Yes; but it's still on Clinton for creating the environment that allowed pigs to be pigs.
    • Well said and thank you, John.
    • Find it hard to accept any ideas from someone who doesn't even know that the phrase "There's a sucker born every minute." was said by P.T. Barnum, not W.C. Fields.
    • John NoMore Dough is right. I am already in process to leave Chase for a local credit union. Move your money is the only thing you can do to protest against the banksters.
  • This reeks of a scam, also the author is reading from a teleprompter and my red flags are officially up
    • u failed to give good reasons for your claim. you can only claim it as a scam if you read his book and and prove otherwise. otherwise you are merely indicating a guess or opinion. you dont have to spend the money to buy his book, to know wiedemer is warning of a crisis ahead. whether or not it came from wiedemer, there is a fiscal crisis ahead. do some research before posting
  • These authors knows that the American people are stupid. If you get them scared and raved up they will do what ever you tell them. With 50 millions book sales they are laughing to the bank. It is a giant scam.
    • to passingby:

      Be the warning true or not it is still a scam to offer people a free book and then in small print hook them to 250$ newsletters that you hope and expect they will forget to cancel.
    • this author is giving valid claims about the economy and its outlook. the borrowing bubble and dollar printing bubble would may eventually burst. you can intake his warnings without spending a dime on wiedemer's other motive which is the promotions for solution. have you fully considered his warnings. everyone just dismisses his warning on the basis he is trying to sell something. these people are the true stupid idiots. altho its true they have an intent to make money. however, their warning isnt entirely false.
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