Reviews – Legit or Scam?

Fortune is an online education website that teaches its members the ins and outs of real estate investing.  Run by Than Merrill, Paul Esajian, and JD Esajian of A&E’s “Flip This House,” FortuneBuilders claims to have courses available to people of all levels of real estate investment experience.

Though this may seem like an odd time to become involved with real estate investment, fans of the show “Flip This House” understand that the concept behind Merrill’s investment theory is buying homes cheaply and finding ways to quickly and affordably fix them up for a solid profit return on your investment.

How Does FortuneBuilders Work?

Fortune Builders functions completely as an educational company.  Working with professionals in every aspect of the real estate industry, their course curriculum covers a wide range of real estate related topics, including but not limited to what to look for when buying an investment property, what remodeling projects offer good investment returns, how to deal with the tax implications of quickly buying and selling property, and how to successfully market and sell your property when the time comes.

Having recently been written up in Inc. magazine, FortuneBuilders is growing quickly.  Perhaps one of the best reasons why is the wide variety of ways they handle their classes.  You can take an in person seminar from one of the three owners or many faculty members referred to as a 4 Day Bootcamp seminar, which is a type of crash course to being successful in the real estate industry.

In addition to that, Merrill himself offers a brand new webinar each week on a topic relevant to investing in today’s volatile real estate market.  They also offer eBooks and online classes, in addition to a selection of DVD series on a variety of topics.

Finally, they offer the FortuneBuilders Mastery Implementation Coaching Program to a select group of members at a time. This series includes in-depth training from a variety of professionals who have been and continue to be successful in the real estate industry.

Is FortuneBuilders Right For You?

Fortune Builders claims to work with people of all different levels of experience, but what they aren’t clear about on their web page is what sort of resources you must have at your disposal to begin a career in real estate investing.

A quick glance of their DVD training series will be enough to stop many people, as the DVD training courses are priced at $1,197.00 each.  A further investigation shows that investing in many of their coaching programs often requires investments of thousands of dollars.

Though prices in the housing market as low as they’ve been in years, you’ll still need the time and money to purchase, fix up, and a market a home.  As these figures vary widely from region to region and project to project, Fortune Builders wisely makes no promises as to what is required from you for potential success.  But it does seem fairly clear that being serious about switching to a career in real estate investing will certainly require some significant investment capital.

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Customer Responses, Reviews, or Complaints

Average Rating for " Fortune Builders " is 0 out of 5 based on reviews.
  • I just came back from their 'free' seminar here in Topeka, KS and have to say that even being free, it was still to costly. From the presenter, Danny (a real full-of-himself jacka$$) beating his chest as to how great he is, to the total lack of useful information, this seminar's waste of time can only be eclipsed by the 3-day $197 version!

    I left there thinking this is only the tip of the upsell iceberg and after doing some online research, I am correct. I would hope you could find better things to do with 2 hours than sitting through this painful exercise in patience.

    Sadly, I can never get those 2 hours back! Thanks Danny for nothing. Oh and by the way, I am smiling now as I write this.
    • Hello

      Thanks for your humor and response. I really appreciate your insights and comments they are refreshing...and most likely accurate!..Back to the future would be nice....
  • My colleague and I spent $30,000 signing up for Fortune Builders. I'm not sure disappointed describes what we are feeling. He is just plain angry. He wanted a refund immediately. I, on the other hand, thought we should just give it a chance - work the "program" to see if what they did worked.

    Well - it didn't. I would repeatedly ask questions that they would tell me had to be answered by my attorney. The weekly classes were full of "rah rah" and very little, if any, substance. The "how to" of flipping and the forms were so basic that anyone who has ever flipped should already have them in their arsenal. My colleague went to the live seminar to see if we were actually missing something and they tried to sell him the EXACT SAME THING for $5,000!

    Now, I'm just plain indignant.

    And, just in case you think you should join for the financing or the magic "list, don't. I can get better financing through my credit card company at 20%. Not to mention their financing requires an inordinate amount of money down - even for hard lending companies.

    I could go on and on . . .

    Before we signed up, we made good money flipping. After we signed up and used their techniques - absolute disaster.

    We're no longer doing what they suggest. And I wish I could get my money back. That $30,000 could have gone to another flip and actually MADE US money!

    Run . . . run fast.
    • Man fortune builders seem like experts on covering up complaints about the same way they are in selling you there product.
    • Anita number 3 here chiming in. Yea I totally agree with the origional Anita's post...this course is horrible and they will SCAM you out of your money!! All they do during the courses is pitch you to buy their useless products. And when I say useless i'm being generous.
    • I can be Anita too. I don't think Anita above is the same person that reposted.
    • OH OH, looks like the legal aspect of Anita's original rant has gotten to her.

      Did Pat Precourt threaten you with a deflamation and slander lawsuit?? that the reason your post now clarifies a few things..

      Anita, you were ripped off and that is the bottom line..
    • After writing the above post, Pat Precourt called me to discuss what had happened. Pat listened closely to my complaints and offered a viable solution to the problems.

      I am very pleased that Pat showed genuine concern, conducted the interview with the utmost integrity and contacted me several times until the issue was resolved.

      In all fairness, although the program did not work for me (which apparently occasionally happens), it does go way beyond just coaching. There are hundreds of people who HAVE built very successful businesses utilizing this program.

      Also, I would like to correct an inaccuracy in my original post. After speaking with Pat, the program my colleague was offered at the seminar was not the exact same thing as what I originally invested in. That part of my post was not correct and I regret the error.
  • I attended the three day seminar for 197.00 and did find that class useful. I thought it was worth the money. I did however purchase the mastery program and at this point I am disappointed and feel like certain issues were misrepresented. I went out on a limb to purchase it because of certain things they offered. I have been a mastery student for about 1 month. I hope my opinion changes. I have since met many people in the area that are flipping houses, wholesaling, etc and I do not think this program is worth the money. I would expect to pay something for it but not as much. I was sold, lock stock and barrel! Very excited! Only to find out that things we were told in the 3 day seminar were contradicted later. Lots of things I wont go into but all I can say is, yes they offer help, can you get the help they offer other places for free? YES, I would NOT recommend paying the cost of this course unless you have it to burn and then I am still not sure I would recommend it. Will you learn something? Yes. Is it worth the investment? I dont think so. If you are thinking of doing this, join a REIA investing group in your area and you will learn just as much! Wish I had my 25K back.
    • In the midst of teh three day seminar and need to make a decision on taking the next step. So much confusion on if it is worth it or not. Concerned that there will be additional pitches for money. Any advice?
  • I just attended the 3 day seminar and can think of many worse ways that I've spent $200, and not had it last 3 entire days! Plus, you can bring a guest (which I did) and we split the cost. So, for $100, I more than got my money's worth! I learned a lot. But, I had an open mind. I didn't expect to not hear a sales pitch. I would have been a tad bit insane to think I wouldn't have. Who doesn't want to promote their business? To that...the Mastery program has 3 levels. All of which are not $25,000. The most expensive one is, and rightfully so. Who can create all of the letters, legal documents, tracking avenues, lists to follow, coaching, training for 6 months (how many jobs train you for 6 months before they throw you into the fire?) properties at your disposal that you didn't have to go searching for yourself, and the list goes on. The last time I checked, if I tried to do all of that myself, being new to the game, it would certainly cost me a lot of TIME and money to put all of those things in place myself. Also, they have been doing this, successfully, for years and had the time and money to tweak these documents and systems that they have put in place. That is certainly valuable to me, in my opinion. Let them make the mistakes so I don't. Also, if anyone invests any money in going to any of their programs/ can write it off on your taxes as an education expense! So, that helps. Another point...People spend anywhere from $15,000 - $25,000 on vehicles all of the time without batting an eyelash. Yes, they serve a purpose, but the everyday user doesn't get to write that off. Yet, they pey it. Why? Because they want to get where they want to be FASTER and in a more convenient way than maybe walking or taking public transportation. Do they have to spend the money? No, they choose to. Same principle here. Peole can learn from the school of hard knocks, and spend more time and have to search out several different avenues to gain good contacts and processes, or do it the quick way and spend the money upfront to get it done FAST and have all of your references served to you on a platter. This certainly sounds more like a strategy to me versus a scam!
  • I"m about to attend the 3 day summit, I will leave feedback once this is completed.
  • Hey Anna-Marie! ( :I am so behind on getitng back to you on your question about Reformation Day costume ideas we have had lots of company over the last few weeks. I know it is too late this year but I thought I would recommend some good books that you could be on the lookout for to use next year. The first was a bit pricey but well worth it: A Night of Reformation' by Pam Forster. She shares some very simple ideas for costumes and the book is loaded with great ideas for celebrating and studying the Reformation in depth. The other book that I really liked for some cute period craft, food and costume idea to make is called The Days of Knights and Damsels' by Laurie Carlson (in fact she has a lot of great historical activity books). I found this one at our library and used many ideas from it.I also wanted to thank you again for another great book recommendation Alternatives to Worksheets' is awesome! I have been inspired to bring so much of these ideas into our school and my kids can't quit looking through it as well! They were so excited with the ideas that they have started many projects from it all on their own accord! ( : Just wanted to say thanks again for another great book recommendation.Warmly,Mandi
  • I just attended the seminar that cost the $200. It was totally worth it. Naturally it was not THE course and they didn't fully educate you in real estate, but what does anyone expect! For that $200, they did give us information, ideas and were available to pick their brains a bit. And yes to take their courses, it is a fair amount of money. But you are paying for their expertise, hard work, research, systems, etc. Any good business person would not expect someone to give that to you for free, nor would they give it for free. Although with my current business, I physically do not have the time to do it right now. I will definitely keep it in mind for when my circumstances change.

    By the way, I read some really ridiculous things in some of the reviews. After being in business and dealing with customers, I would just advise you to have your opinions about people who would complain about them not being served coffee, thinking that they should be given a product for free, etc. Also keep in mind that the "buy now" is not a new concept. Resorts, hotels, car dealerships, and many more have some kind of a "if you purchase now or online or something", you can receive a discounted price. This should definitely not be a surprise. Even the well known department store, Sears, has different prices in their catalogues if you purchase before a certain date.

    So in conclusion, I did not feel pressured in any way. They simply offered me a course that I would rightly pay for and I could accept or decline. When I said it wasn't the right time for me, they shook my hand and wished me well. And I left there with much respect for Jon and that team and for Fortune Builders and happy that there are still people out there trying to be positive. Thank You.
  • After being led to believe that I would receive helpful information regarding flipping houses I purchased this three day seminar for 200 of my hard earned dollars. BIG MISTAKE! Day one of the "seminar", we learned what is pretty much already known in real estate, the basics. Constant reminders of vacations taken, millions made,and great lifestyles tempted me to stay for another day even though I was already annoyed by the bragging. However, on day two, not only did we not receive any new information, most of the day was spent advertising a website and resources that only a select "few" mastery students would have access to. I quickly began to feel my intelligence being insulted as the speaker, "Matt" repeated himself over and over again using different words. I am an adult and I do NOT need lecturing and life coaching!!!

    After the lunch break I thought maybe he would resume giving us insider tips on how to go about starting in this business, only to be disappointed once again. How dare these "millionaires" claim to care about uplifting the community by asking people who are clearly at their wits end financially, to spend the equivalent of some people's yearly salary on a mentorship that promises nothing? I may have made poor financial decisions in my past, but I am far from stupid. After finding out that their intentions were far from helpful to anybody in that room, I decided not to return after the afternoon break. Perhaps the most insulting part was the threats from "Matt" that any negativity or words of discouragement would be thrown out of the "seminar". I thought to myself, "How are facts negative?" and "How can he throw me out of something that I paid for?". One of his "advisors" said that I should open up several credit cards to invest in this madness!!!!!

    Perhaps I had my stupid shirt on that day. I was thoroughly annoyed and insulted with the majority of these people's antics. Only the weak minded would allow these people to believe that they are out for their best interests. I know that I am capable of achieving success without the "help" of these greedy misinformants. DO NOT BUY THIS!!!!Learn it on your own. Learn from my mistakes. I hope someone from FB reads this and develops a conscious....
    • I just completed the three day course in Tucson AZ and I COMPLETELY AGREE with Fatima. I understand that they want to "upsell" their other training products but the ratio of content presentation to sales pitch was so low, that the three days were a waste of my time. .
    • The best deals are NOT on mls and that is a huge part of what you learn from fortune builders. How to find the private sales where people come to you. Also included is how to acquire private low interest rate funding to buy and rehab real estate. A realator is an important part of your team and they train you to make sure you have all the right people on your team. Also, if all you do is look local you are missing a lot of opportunities.
    • YOU ARE SMARTER THAN most...go take a real estate licensing class and get your will learn all the ins and outs including the 'formulas' to make the right decisions for a purchase to flip! The BEST PROPERTIES ARE LISTED ON THE MULTIPLE LISTING SERVICE..All real estate is LOCAL....

      Good for you that you you were annoyed by the flash of the presenters!
  • I have signed up for the 1 day course. I am sure it will be a waste of 2 hours, but we will see. If I feel it is worth it I will get back to you. I currently own 7 houses with 4 being paid-off, and I hae done it all myself (on a teacher salary). I am more curious way someone would offer "secrets" his competion. (I guess it is still easier to hype-up people and take there money than it is to work for it). I wonder how the people who paid money are doing 1 year later??
    • Dear Teacher,

      I'm relieved to see that you are flipping houses and not teaching anymore. I would hate to think my kids were being taught by you. You can't even spell or use proper grammar. There are so many grammatical and spelling errors in one paragraph that I could barely understand what you were trying to communicate.
    • And, Becca, seeing "someone" like you use "SOME ONE" instead of the correct "someone," I doubt you are a teacher; unless, maybe you teach "shop class." Don't call "someone" out on bad grammar, when yours is just as atrocious!
    • Math teacher... hey Bilis, have you made any money?
    • I have to ask, you are a teacher, and your grammar is THAT bad? I am a teacher as well, and seeing some one use 'there' when they should use 'their,' makes me cringe, especially when it is coming from a teacher.
  • I have a ninja-like rebuttal for motivational speaker - Ry-Guy, Ryan Burk

    Relationship: *Consumer Comment

    I take umbrage against the claims that there is nothing to be gained in the $197 3-day seminar for the "flip houses" Fortune Builder's weekend. A solid 25% of my weekend was about flipping houses. That is HONESTLY 25% of down to the bone information on what a real estate investor is and is not (I learned that they should not be conflated as speculators - a thought that had not occurred to me). There was some amount of information on how to be one. So to suggest it was ALL a sale to sell the honest to goodness position as a student of the successful Fortune Builders system is disingenuous. And you are just one of the negative people who were warned early in the program that one of their seminar mates would inform the administration of the seminar and have them REMOVED. So, pay your $197, sit down, follow orders and if your financial situation is compatible, pay your at least $14,995 to have any chance of competing with the overwhelmingly organised organization.

    You see, to suggest that you could ever, EVER compete with this system is LUDICROUS and, in short, impossible. So stop your God-Danged negativity and get off of your back-side and live your dreams! Live them now or you suck! There are three types of people: those who do nothing, those motivated to change their lives and pay $197 and take notes at the speed of light before the slide changes, and those who do all of that and have immediate access to multiples of thousands of dollars or other financial resources/contacts. The message here is => the former are "losers" and the last, "winners". Thank god I attended because life has never conveyed this message previously. If there is any doubt as to the complete veracity of my rebuttal, look up the word: facetious.

    Seriously though, it is a brilliant program in its conception. It is masterfully deployed to the masses in a bullet resistant woolly Kevlar business suit. I fail to see its morality as anything more than any other investment, as they pointed out themselves, "franchise like". On the contrary it is marketed as a helpful solution to that which ails you. It is not. It is, very probably, a good wolfie investment in, well, a woolly Kevlar sheep suit. Thanks Ryan for the good info. but seriously I wish you would go all the way with the Karma narrative and just teach house flipping all weekend. Reduce the days to two, for example. Positive affirmations and motivations are fine. I have Tony Robbins CD's that I have been using as Frisbee s for 15 years. And for God's sake, kill the goofy videos. They are tooooooo "rich and cheesey", not NINJA and a DEAD GIVEAWAY.
    • Anyone taking this class and truly wanting to learn, should find a good real estate agent and work with that agent. Right now, little inventory, all the best on listed on the MLS...we are the PROS!!!

      If you knocked on my door, I would think you were offering me a SCAM. At least an agent/broker is licensed in the state and USES the state forms for purchase and agreement APPROVED by the attorneys of that state! The forms in this program may not protect you!

      Work with an agent! This is worth it!
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