Home Profit Web Reviews – Legit or Scam?

Home Profit Web
from 39 reviews Review It
Home Profit Web


Home Profit Web is a new work at home business opportunity being promoted by spokesman Michael Harris, who claims it is “an easy and proven” way to make $379 a day.

The Home Profit Web is actually an affiliate marketing opportunity, where you post links promoting the services and products of other companies and receive a commission if that link results in a sale.

In order to help you begin your own business link posting, the Home Profit Web offers the “world’s only” Wealth Certification Program to train you in how to be successful in this new area of business.

Warning Signs

Firstly, Home Web Profit is one of many, many different websites to claim they have the “world’s only” Wealth Certification Program. There are many other programs out there, in a price range of anywhere from $49.95 to over $100.00.

Perhaps more interesting is that the Home Profit Web says the job of posting links is “so simple and easy that anyone can learn to do it themselves in an afternoon and begin immediately with no training.”

But then you learn the product they are selling is a link posting training course, for $97.95.

The Bottom Line

The truth is that link posting is only one aspect of a much large online business opportunity, affiliate marketing. If you are interested in learning more about internet marketing, there are many free resources you can check out online.

The free information online will give you a broad overview of all the different ways affiliate marketing can be utilized, not just link posting. There are things you need to know about websites, affiliate programs, and more.

Having a better understanding of the big picture is a good idea before you decide to commit to paying $97.95 for a training course that Home Profit Web admits you don’t actually need.

If you're at OpportunityChecker.com because you are looking for a way to make money online then check out our article "7 Ways to Make Money Online" - methods that anyone can use to earn an income from home.

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Customer Responses, Reviews, or Complaints

Average Rating for " Home Profit Web " is 1.08 out of 5 based on 39 reviews.
  • Sorry that people living in the great USofA feel the need to further bring down people who are honestly trying to pay their bills in an economy that is crashing faster than we are dying and should be put in jail. There are circumstances where some do not have transportation or suffer health issues that prevent them from physically going into the workplace to make a living. Here's my thoughts....any company that asks people to pay for entry fees to work is extortion. I am not trying to get rich; however, I simply want to maintain a decent living to cover my mortgage, bills, and raise my children. Just because a company pays to advertise offers doesn't mean that there shouldn't be a process in place to weed out these individuals. This is robbery and fraud! This country has lost its morals and there are more indecent individuals out there than we are raising. Teach our children to look out for criminals such as this. People should realize that once they give permission into their individual bank accounts, the fault lies on the individual.

    My suggestion(s): Never sign up for ANYTHING that asks you to pay to make money. Free training is available and can be found if persistent. It's too easy to be sucked into a corner when there's no where to turn; however, use common sense. Most of these sites can be reviewed, and should be looked into prior to signing up. The internet has vasts amounts of information that can be obtained instantaneously and before sending personal information......check the legitimacy of the site and its sources. Use credible sites backed by the BBB and consumer reports prior to jumping into something that might cause you to lose money, homes, and other necessities needed to survive in this doggy-dog world full of cons ad freaks.
    • I have read so many negative comments from so many. Hard to understand how many people got the shaft on this great way to make money. Really glad I took the 5 seconds it took me to look up their website. Can you believe it take you directly to the people it scammed.I almost signed up.

      Everybody watch out,usually all you have to do is bring up their website somewhere you scroll around for the good and the bad and their it is a whole lot of negative.


      PS:Thanks for making me a believer in the non believers!

      November 26th,2014 at 4:02 pm
    • Amen sister. Spoken like a true prodigy.

      How come people who rip us off are so f***ing convincing ...?
    • nice comment, appreciate that.the world is too cruel and selfish for the fool.
  • I called them and they said they can't put it back on my credit card until after 20 to 30 days. Called credit card company. They said they can't dispute it u t after 15 days. It has to go through the pending process and so on. Going to have to try disputing it again after 15 days through credit card company. There is no point of contacting them except confirming with cc that we tried contacting them and requesting that they credit it but they refuse or give the run around.
    • feeling really stupid right about now. I signed the place with my credit card for the program, and immediately additional pop ups came up with different prices to pay. I contacted my bank as I use my debit card and they at least were able to cancel my card. I called the company and they said they would refund my money and eight to 10 business days. I'll believe it when I see it
  • How are these criminals getting airtime to promote these scams ?
  • Sorry you all got shafted. I submitted my e-mail address before I checked the reviews. I just printed, then deleted my contact list and all emails sent and received so they can't get any addresses. Thankfully I didn't give them any money. If any of you paid by credit card, call them and protest the charge and they will reverse it. I had to do that before and it worked well. The merchant account is a direct link they can't avoid. Good luck getting your money back. Now I am going to create a new account and write that one off.

    The only easy money in these schemes is the money you hand over to them.
  • thanks everyone
  • This is just another re-hash of other scams out there. Just like the TV infomercials that are selling a secret system to make you easy money. The secret system is called affiliate marketing or internet marketing which is a real way that I use to make a little money online. It is simple in design but it takes time and is NOT easy money.

    Never Give Up!!! Paul
  • This outfit hacked into my sister's conmputer and then sent emails to all her contacts. since I thought it was from her, I sent $77.95. A Steve Miller called me and, when I told him I didn't have $1.000 in savings, he said I didn't qualify and hung up! I'm out "only" $77.95.

    But, I'm pissed. The address to whom the money was sent is: 1240 E. 100 South, st. George, UT. the florida addess for this nasty outfit is: 1128 E 7th ave., ste 200, Tampa, fL 33605. I've given this info to the Tampa police Department and the St. George P.D. Suggest all of you do the same. Mybe this can be shut down for the scam, hacking outfit it is.
  • Is Home Profit Connection For $99.95 the same. Just received it in my email today. Sounds good.R they all scams how can I tell.
  • I joined this program as well. Paid Home Profit Web $77.95, I was able to log in to their website OK, then there was a 1-800 number that was displayed in which I called, left a message and the reps returned my call. I spoke to that first rep, then she transfered me to her so-called "Executive Director" In short, the call was about the 5 business models and then I paid them $12,000.00 and at the time of payment, I realized that I was sent to another company called "Prestige Training Solutions". Then their scheduling department called me to set me up for a training course to learn on their e-library finding out later that it was another company called, "Focus LLC".

    Focus LLC was the company that I was doing the elibrary training and they also did these weekly session calls so that the coaches checked up on you to see how you are doing and to be honest, they don't know squat of what their training sessions are. Then A Tax company, "CE Coorporate Services" (Now CE Cooporate Alliance) the tax company also called me to start doing what was called, a Business Setup for the creation of an entity. CE Cooporate Services Charged $995.00 for their business setup kit and also another $4095.99 fro their business setup which includes a mothly retainer fee of $50.00 to keep the entity going.

    I only paid $995.00 for the business setup kit and they haven't called me since, just to proceed forward with the entity setup and get things rolling, they left me flat out in the dust. Then Melaleuca, had people of their own sendihg me emails making me think that it was the scheduling department so that I can fall for their games, buy their products to become one of their members as well, gave them up and told them I had onother endeavor! All this Crap started because of an email that I received from my friend at the time! These such companies say that they record their calls, but I did some recording of my own when I was involved with these companies speaking to them on the phone. Beware of the following companies 1) Prestige Training Solutions 2) CE Cooporate Services (Now CE Coorporate Alliance) 3) Focus LLC.
    • So from the sound of this, you paid $17,169.00 for crap? If you're spending that kind of money on some website bulls**t, then you're to blame. Not them. That should of been a red flag from the jump.
    • como funciona, eu comprei e preciso saber se tenho que pagar a hospedagem do site? how does it work, I bought and need to know if I have to pay for website hosting?
  • I fell for this scam yesterday because the e-mail came from my sister, of course it wasn't her. I had 77.95 put on my debit bank card.After my sis and i discussed this, we concluded the scammer was getting info from Facebank.They use your family and friends and send e-mails in their name. I called my bank this morning and spoke to a person in the fraud dept. She gave me a phone #1-855-753-4175, I spoke to a rep. from Home Profit Web. She told me my money would be refunded in 7-10 days and gave me a conformation # So we will see. My bank fraud dept. also advised me to call her again if I didn't get my refund.
    • Don't hold your breath! It will never come, it's a total American con.

      I'm still waiting after 7 months.
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