Next Job at Home Reviews
Is Legit or a Scam?

Next Job at Home is a new website that claims to help people find legitimate work from home. They operate an email based membership site that is free to join. They also claim to offer additional resources in helping you find a job online.

So how does it all work? After you sign up for the Next Job at Home newsletter you’ll begin to receive a series of emails that feature a variety of work at home jobs and some educational resources about how to find the best possible jobs out there.

The job leads that they send your way come from a variety of resources, including craigslist, popular job search engines, and private contractors. The jobs range from writing jobs to a variety of telecommuting work.

The leads that they provide you with seem like solid work opportunities, however availability is definitely not guaranteed and since these leads are coming from very high profile sources you can bet that there’s a lot of competition, especially for the really desirable jobs.

So why are there so Many Complaints against

When researching Next Job at Home you may have run across some negative feedback against this site. This begs the question if all they’re doing is providing people with links to real jobs, where’s the harm being done.

The answer to that comes from the fact that they wrap their emails and newsletters in unsavory work at home advertisements. For every 3 job listings there’s roughly one ad for a work at home scam that they are affiliates for- meaning they earn commission if you sign up or buy the product.

Now, there are tons of legitimate and highly respected websites that pay their bills through sponsored ads. And many times they can’t control which ads are being displayed on their site, especially if they’re using Google AdSense which displays ads based on the page text.

The difference with, and the reason why many people call them a scam, is that they actively promote some of the worst home business products around. They send out promotional emails with titles like, “Work from Home Make 500 – $5,000 a Month” and other misleading hype.

The problem with this method is that many times folks mistakenly click on the ads thinking that they’re part of the legitimate job ads and end up buying into something under the wrong assumption. This is why if you’re going to use their site to find a job be sure that you don’t click on any advertisements.

If you're at because you are looking for a way to make money online then check out our article "7 Ways to Make Money Online" - methods that anyone can use to earn an income from home.

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Customer Responses, Reviews, or Complaints

Average Rating for " Next Job at Home " is 0 out of 5 based on reviews.
  • I gave them my email, but I won't be using them. Their welcome page is full of typos and grammatical errors, and if you click the "Feedback" link all it does is give you a list of positive reviews about their site. You can't actually provide any feedback on anything. Very telling. Also, the jobs that are listed don't tell you who they are for and are typically only 1 or 2 sentences. There is no way to tell what is legit and what isn't. If they are actually pulling their postings from places like craigslist, then it is useless to me since I already look places like that.

    I only signed up because they only ask for your email, and I have a generic email that I use to try out these types of things. It's obvious they are more interested in getting funding from companies that want to advertise on their site than in the people they claim to want to help.
  • Next Job at Home has an F rating with BBB.
  • I wouldn't trust the sites. The companies that advertise on such sites are people running their own business out of their basement ready to scam the next.

    A website that fails to filter the scams in the first place becomes a dangerous place to advertise for a legitimate employer. Nobody wants to take the risk and be advertised with a bunch of scams. Making such advertisements will bring a terrible status for a legitimate business.

    The basement scammers can do it because they don't need to carry a legitimate name. If their name is gone, they start over, so they have the freedom to do some real nasty things. It would be dangerous for a legitimate company to list their jobs right along with the scams and go down in the toilet with them.

  • Dear Sir or Madam,

    Greetings! I have been out of work for the past year and I truly do need some kind of work and had thought of working at home. Knowing that there are a bunch of scams out there I was relieved that I came across your site and I liked what you had to say. So are there legitimate work at home sites for clerical/customer service? Perhaps legal? I would not object to proofreading or the NextJobatHome if there is something in particular that is a good position.


    Sarah A. Nichols
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