The Easy Marketer’s Club Reviews – Legit or Scam?
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The Easy Marketer’s Club, found online at, is a new work at home company which claims that they can provide people with access to a full time income while working just part time from home.

The video presentation on this website says that they understand that many people have been taken advantage of by “internet gurus” that promise people access to get rich schemes that never work.

The video presentation from The Easy Marketer’s Club says that their program is completely different from all these other online scams; in fact, they promise that they can help you take money back from those same online scammers.

The Promises

Unfortunately the website provides very little information whatsoever on what their program actually does and the type of work that people should be expecting to do once they partner with this program.

However, they do say that instead of buying an independent system that you will need to learn how to make successful all on your own, you simply be partnering with this company, and the two of you will earn money together in a mutually beneficial relationship.

They do say that in order to work with their system, you will have to be able to set up their patented software onto your smartphone, but once you have the software up and running, they promise that you can expect to make more money than the average doctor or lawyer.

The Red Flags

It’s not so much like there are a couple important red flags to discuss as it seems that their entire video presentation is one big red flag proving that customers should avoid this program all together.

First, they expect people to pay for this program when they don’t even do their customers the courtesy of providing any details whatsoever about the type of work this program is supposed to teach you to do.

It’s also a very big problem that they make it seem as though they are looking for business partners, when the reality is that they are selling another independent business opportunity just like all the other internet gurus they complain about. In their attempt to set themselves apart from their competitors, they actually show that their the exact same – another get rich quick scheme which really just wants to take your money and then wash their hands of you.

The reality is that any company that asks for your credit card number before telling you exactly what you can expect from their opportunity should be avoided at all costs.

If you're at because you are looking for a way to make money online then check out our article "7 Ways to Make Money Online" - methods that anyone can use to earn an income from home.

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Customer Responses, Reviews, or Complaints

Average Rating for " The Easy Marketer's Club Reviews " is 1 out of 5 based on 1 reviews.
  • I listened to a presentation of the “Easy Marketers Club” about two weeks ago. I let them talk me into buying a “100 site “system for $297. A common purchase would be for 1-5 sites. I saw the detailed bill the next day and noticed they charged me for two (2) systems or $594. I called them and got no answer. I called them three times the following day, still no answer. This showed me they have no credibility or back office. I then decided I would not purchase any systems. I am not giving up, however. It has not been a very good year for me and I need the money.
  • I was considering doing this. The day before my phone appt. With this staff member a friend of mine and I did some research on this company and based on very poor reviews I called stated I was no longer interested in this and cancelled the appt. I did not reach the person directly but left a clear message not to call since I was no longer interested. I said nothing negative in my message, just cancelled it. I did not hear from anyone the next day at the time of the appt. However I received a voice mail the next day with the individual apologizing that he may have mixed up the time of the apps. I thought about just letting it go but decided to call back and I very nice and told the person some things had changed me and I had looked into the organization further and was no longer interested. The individual started to talk me into it or defend the organization further (not really sure because I interrupted and said I had made my decision. This is what the person said (I am paraphrasing it). Okay then go ahead and be a loser for the rest of your life!! Unbelievable, huh?
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