Davison Inventions Reviews – Legit or Scam?

Davison Inventions
from 373 reviews Review It
Davison Inventions


Davison Inventions (www.InventionConcept.com) is a company that claims to take people’s ideas of new inventions, and turn them into reality. Davison says that it will take your idea through all the steps necessary to get your invention onto the market, from research and development to licensing to getting it onto the shelves.

Davison’s website claims that you have the ability to submit your idea to them knowing that you have full confidentiality and protection.  Once your idea is submitted, you will receive a one on one consultation about the viability of your idea, and whether or not you should begin the process to take your idea further.

Davison claims to have a variety of agreements available for potential clients.  Some services they offer will require you to pay one time, up front fees, while others will require you to commit to an agreement where Davison receives a percentage of royalties from your invention.

From Dream to Reality

“Build a better mousetrap, and the world will beat a path to your door.” From the time that man created fire, there has been an innate desire to come up with better ways of doing things. If you take a minute to look around you, at the things we take for granted every day, you’ll see the evidence of people’s invention dreams that came to life.

But, unlike the picture painted in Hollywood films, most of these inventions weren’t created in someone’s basement and then magically appeared on the market. Inventions must go through an intense process of research and development – is it truly an original invention? Is there someone else out there with a comparable idea or existing product? Is this invention already in the works?

At times an idea must be patented, which can be an expensive and complicated process. After that, an invention must often be licensed to another company or corporation to produce and distribute, because individuals usually lack the money necessary to fund the actual supply of product needed for the market.

Davison Inventions claims to help you through this long, arduous process, and to get your invention on the shelves of major retailers like Target, WalMart, Home Depot, and others.

Davison Inventions Success Stories?

Well, the truth is that when you research Davison Inventions, you are going to hear much more about heartbreak and failure than you will about success stories.  In fact, Davison was ordered to pay $26 million in restitution to former clients after they were sued by the Federal Trade Commission and lost.

The lawsuit determined that clients of Davison would often pay upwards of $10,000 toward costs and services, and that less than 1% of their clients ever saw a return higher than what they invested with Davison.

In addition, they were told to stop promoting themselves as being linked to major retailers. However, if you look at their current website it seems fairly obvious that they are walking a fine line in adhering to this court order.

Their landing page is covered in logos from major retailers, with information offering that inventions processed through Davison are sold at all of these stores. While there is no official statement saying they have a relationship with these companies, the implication is still there.

Finally, the lawsuit ordered that Davison refrain from acting as though their services are selective, since they were found to take anyone’s idea through the research and development process as long as they paid the fees. This is a bad sign for those looking to process an invention, because it means that you can’t trust Davison’s evaluation of your invention’s potential.  If they are simply willing to take everyone’s money who comes to them, it’s easy to see how 99+% of their customers never saw a profit from their dealings with Davison.

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Customer Responses, Reviews, or Complaints

Average Rating for " Davison Inventions " is 1.49 out of 5 based on 373 reviews.
  • i know how you all feel too well. i sent my idea to davison and was ripped off. they sold my idea to a company with out even telling. i found my idea( product) in the store and to this day no return phone call. i have been lied to stolen from. it is a shame for a company as big as this to use people like us and to steal from us
  • Well we are highly educated, professional business people and we were taken hook, line and sinker by Davison. We lost $30,000!!

    We have tried to work through Visa billing, and through our banks, making a detailed report through our bank dispute system, who took our side, but we lost! Davison have a very well-oiled legal team, it seems the dollars are made not in producing successful products, but in ripping off Ma and Pa Public.

    It is my strong view Visa should not be working with these people.

    We had three invention ideas, which we provided in great detail to Davison. We had just submitted these three ideas through their website, and they rang us the very next day.

    They talked up the ideas, told us how wonderful they were and how we would see our dream realised. They did all their work on the phone, with minimal emails.

    They said they had a strict timeline in production planning and so with us having discussed all three ideas with Davison, we could not now just turn around and submit and pay for them one by one. We would have to pay for all three at once.

    We thought carefully about the situation. We decided that as we had provided very detailed and thoroughly thought out concepts, we would be in good hands. Our products were developed in full light of our professional business experience.

    Davison took our very detailed professional ideas and turned them into - wait for it - blow up toy ideas!!!

    When we said we were not in the slightest bit interested in producing blow up toys, and we couldn't understand how they could make blow up toys from our original concepts, they said, 'well that's the contract then, we've done what we undertook to do, and you have decided not to go any further'.

    As they had made all their undertakings verbally, apparently there was no record of their promises, and our case fell over because of this. The only thing left for us is for us to sue, but of course it is good money after bad, and Davison is extremely clear about that.

    Davison is very definitely underhand. STEER CLEAR.
    • With only 27 successes in 23 years, they most def make their money from people who invest an fail, not successful products
    • We spoke to the head of the company. The conversation with the head of the company is very much the same as previous conversations with other company representatives. As in: they talk, you must listen. We were having the conversation with Davison's head, Frank Vescio, and yet there was very little interest in our perspective at all. There were only the rehearsed lines, the aggressive 'sell' that we got from the start. With a feeling of despair, we signed off on the travesty of our best idea, which Davison had botched terribly (deliberately?). We felt, having nothing to lose, we should attempt to 'co-operate', setting out (yet again) very clear paremetres of how the product needed to be improved and changed. The company wrote back that they would not move on that approved product until we signed off on the other two! Perhaps they are concerned about the FTC after all. We have put in a complaint.
    • I just got off the phone with J.L. from Davison with whom always starts off his conversation with me stating I am very limited on time and can only allow you 10 minutes But!they are extremely interested in my invention idea and want to work with me. This invention could be my life and future and when they are thrusting contracts and wanting money after 2 phone calls that should be a red flag.

      After reading their contract I said this would need revised for me to do business and because money wasn't coming fast enough J.L.says I no longer have a good idea. Well I have a Very Good Idea..

      After every conversation I immediately get an obvious scripted email because No one can type that response in a matter of seconds. After our last conversation and him saying I think you should look elsewhere I get an immediate email Please reconsider Davison. They have called every day for a week and numerous emails and videos but be skeptical because as I wrote to them I believe our hard earned dollars are going towards them sitting on a beach in Hawaii and our Invention Ideas are dust in the wind to them.. Do you think collectively we could all help You?? Reading the reviews there is a bad one every day. There must be a way to shut them down.
  • I haven't paid ny fees yet, but its a good thing that I didnt because I was about to invest money into this company to get my idea moving. Thanks to everyones reviews that I read I can avoid becoming a victim. Thanks everyone.
    • Yea me too!! They just called me last week only one day after submitting my idea and I was immediately skeptical as soon as he said something about money and how much it would cost to get started! So glad I decided to do some research on this company. I will not be giving them any money at all and have block future emails from them!

      Thanks so much for everyone's info. Good luck getting your money back
  • I initially submitted an invention idea during 2009 and they wanted an initial payment of $795 dollars to begin the process of my product.

    It is now April 26, 2013 and they are recontacting me stating that they have 1 or 2 companies interested in my product. They additionally would be asking from 1k to 15k to get the project off the ground.

    I got suspicious and found this site. Thanks to all of you guys, I have dodged a bullet.
    • Thanks for posting this because I submitted an idea to them and was about t pay money towards it. Thanks to yu and me doing research, I can pull out before I become one of their victims. Thanks!
  • Thank everyone for your comments. I received a call from Jeff v.p of marketing several times. I almost gave in but my fiancé did his homework on this company to find out they scam people for money. Yes after speaking with them you really believe in what they are saying. I'm sorry for everyone that has taken such a big financial loss with this so call company. It's because of your stories that help others like me before making the same mistakes. It's sad we can't seem to trust anyone. I went to see a patent atty who is on the list from the patent office and he wanted me to give him power of atty over my invention. I went running out fast and later told my fiancé about my meeting with this atty and he was livid. He calmly explained to me what to watch out for and we will follow the steps and do it ourselves. Even good patent attys will bill you over and over to keep making money. I'm still doing my research on how to myself. No one wants to throw away there money to strangers.
  • I had the same experience! Thank you all for your reviews before my wife & I made a horrible mistake trying to work w/ these people.
  • I was recently contacted by Mr. Michael Bathory from Davison, after indicating that I had some ideas for "inventions" on line. Mr. Bathory called me several times telling me what a great company Davison is and how they help people like me with ideas. After speaking to him 3 or 4 times he sent me the "contracts" etc via e-mail. I couldn't believe that this man was looking forward to me sending him $789. and signing my life away before I checked out the man by name and the Company..I didn't have to go far.

    I feel so badly for people who are "scammed out of money". My husband & I are retired and my husband works full time. I even mentioned this to Mr. Bathory when he brought up the subject of money up front. He laughed with me when I mentioned that "retirement is a joke"..

    Well, I'm awaiting his next call tomorrow morning around 10am. I can't wait to bring up these comments by people who have been robbed of their money. It's happened to me before, not with Davison, but by another online scam! I won't be fooled again..

    Thank You Everyone for your stories. I wish you luck and will pray that nobody else will fall for it..
  • my rating is based on these comments, yesterday i was called about my idea and was told down the phone that it was an amazing idea that could not go wrong, i was sent out the contract to read over and sign . i'v just noticed reading this page that everyone is an american citizen where as im NOT . i live in Glasgow (scotland) . but yes i've noticed after 3 calls from the davison company i've realised that they are in fact following a script coning vulnerable people into paying a sign up fee on 715$ which is 550£ in sterling which isnt a life savings but is a lot of money to people like all of us that probably dont have millions saved away or we wouldnt bother trying to invent new and wonderful inventions for a little extra cash or to make millions !

    DAVISON must be stopped i've read too many sob stories about the company and how there promises have never happened , its weird people saying a small majority of people have had there inventions put in stores but i personally havent heard of any of them ? can some make a list of inventions that had been started up with the 90% - 10% davison group ? no me either ! probable one of the biggest scam companies out there ! lies and theifs >>> DO NOT GET INVOLVED <<< thank you everyone who stopped me from paying them a penny and my sympathies go to all those who lost big and small through these con artists ! peace out from SCOTLAND GLASGOW
    • Oooh loved that accent!

      Eh! You were one of the clever ones who did your homework before hand just like me... Do let me know if (when) you find a company out there who can take our dreams further without shattering our hopes

      Stephanie (South Africa)
  • Don't trust Davison for your idea/invention. They just want your money! Contact BBB, attorney generals office, FBI, etc.
    • Stay Faw Away from this company !!!! Just recieved so much bullshit packed into dvd's it's simply rediculous! They didn't do anything, all information given to me for the $800 I spent, is available to anyone on the internet. All they did was put it in some fancy dvd case and say it was my project.

      Joseph Mahoney

      [email protected]

      Group together, These guys need another lawsuit against them. Obviously the first 20+M in 2006 wasn't enough!
  • Ron,

    My name is DiAnna, I got involved with Davison in November 2010, when my handicap son moved home, he was total care and I needed to come up with a method to help make that easier, I was so excited and then to see nothing happening. My youngest son was helping me, he passed away in January 2012 and then I took over all the paper work and phone calls with Davison, and suddenly it accursed to me I had not heard from them in some time, finally in August 2012 I got a call telling me not to send in my patent, to hold off and he (Christopher Roche) would get back with me. Again nothing until I called him in February 2013, which he then tells me I'm in the hands of legal and should of heard from them and would have them call me, again nothing until this month when I called them, first leaving a message then calling them back and speaking to a Barbara Browning, who says everything is in order and set a time and date to call me back and let me know where things stand, seems a little double talk to me. After getting off the phone with her I decided to see if there was complaints on this company, and that's when I found this site. I also have a cousin (Linda) I found out was also involved with Davison, we are both willing to get involved with any case you are working with, I so wish my research was done before I was out thousands of dollars, but I was not in the right frame of mind to think of fraud then.

    Thank you for your time'

    DiAnna Bennett

    [email protected]
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