iPAS Marketing System Reviews – Legit or Scam?

iPAS Marketing System
from 32 reviews Review It
iPAS Marketing System


The Internet Prospect Acceleration System (or iPAS, for short) is an internet based business system created by Chris Campbell and Chris Jones.  The iPAS marketing system is an unusual business model, not generally seen in the world of internet marketing.

Usually, when you purchase an online business opportunity, what you receive with your purchase is a guide for how to run your own business.  Depending on what business you are purchasing and from whom, you may receive a variety of things with this business opportunity purchase.  Sometimes you’ll get DVD training materials, sometimes personal business coaching services, sometimes 24/7 support, sometimes a website – the list of what you may get goes on and on.

But ultimately, regardless of what you are provided with, the responsibility of creating a successful, money making business lies directly on you, regardless of what tools, resources, or information you receive.  The iPAS business system is a little different.

With iPas, instead of  receiving the tools necessary to build your own business, you buy into a business co-op run by Chris Campbell and Chris Jones.  This means that the business is owned by the workers.  In short, if you choose to join iPAS, you are buying a share of a business, rather than your own business.

In exchange for you joining the iPAS marketing system, you will receive your own website, your own marketing team, and your own sales staff.  Your business will be run according to the iPAS business model, and in his video, Chris Campbell makes an excellent argument for why this is a great idea.  He says that his company has the best people working in each area that is best suited to them, and you get to benefit from their expertise as opposed to providing it all yourself.

What is confusing about iPAS is what, exactly, they get from you.  If they are providing the website, the marketing, and the sales staff, as well as the products that will be sold on the website, then what exactly are you doing?  Well, as far as I can see, you’ll be investing money.

Campbell alludes to this in his video, making a comment about how “if you invest $80,000 towards marketing,” then Campbell and Jones will kick in $20,000 to make your total marketing budget $100,000, but then they become 20% owners of the “traffic” you receive, is how they put it.

As for how exactly you make your money, and how the money is divided up between you and the iPAS company, there is no real explanation on their sales page.  Campbell and Jones prefer for you to actually speak to a member of their team in order to get all the final details and to see if they will even accept you as a member for iPAS.

While the iPAS marketing system sounds interesting, and even promising, I would caution you that these one-on-one sales calls often end in the seller asking all sorts of questions about your financial situation, including bank statements and credit card limits, which generally then ends with them recommending that you max out your credit cards or empty your savings in order to become a part of this “amazing” opportunity.

It’s in your best interest to be prepared for that kind of conversation, to know up front how much money you would be willing to spend and to not allow yourself to be talked out of it.  Remember, at the end of the day, every business opportunity has the potential for you to lose the money you invest, and if you can’t afford to lose it, then you should be wary of investing it.

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Customer Responses, Reviews, or Complaints

Average Rating for " iPAS Marketing System " is 1.66 out of 5 based on 32 reviews.
  • I was just looking for reviews and had considered but from the responses of current ipas people who have invested in this company and replied to other people I want not thing to do with this company I understand it's a scheme you believe in but being negative and calling people lazy and stupid doesn't make me want to join a team of rude people. You can still defend a product you believe in and be positive. All I've seen is negativity from these iPad people. I'll pass.
  • Hi. I have just seen the video for IPAS, clicked through for more information and what i saw was Zero, Nothing. No explanation of what they do, what is expected of you, jus some convincing suggestions that imply that you are going to get very rich but not how or how much. So, another hype to take your money. Good luck to all those searching for the right business, keep looking coz this aint it.
  • all I have to say is, never trust a guy who looks like he spends 4 hours in the gym ,and 1 working on his tan and esp if he wears an ivy league hat, that right there should tell you, im old fashion a good business man wears the part, like a professional, not a guy who just got back from the pool hall scheaming up a way to steal money from people who are desperate and down on their luck,the I looked right at this mans eyes during the video and saw BS were was the product BS, all the videos, those are his friends and him on vacation , they break away from the party and do a BULLSHIT testimony video, then go back to doing jagger bombs and taking selfies

    no thanks im out
  • Just saw Email for IPAs & all the reviews!

    I am totally lost at what they even sell? Plus I've

    Already been ripped off from JeunesseGlobal for over

    $2000, never received any commission but yet racked

    Up 22000 points and never got anything n they

    Took away because I could not afford another $300!

    Sad and worst part is NOW I have no income, no job,

    BROKE w/ $2.33 in my checking n savings account!

    So Mr Chris Jones, since You make all this money

    Any way you COULD and WOULD help me financially

    By granting me a small share of your supposed

    Millions of dollars that you would not even notice if n since

    You have made?

    I am pleading n begging for U to pls send me some $$$?

    I'm not kidding but am very SERIOUS!

    Will LUKno if I hear from Mr Jones for my Request

    Of being helped out with donation for my predicament

    Also I am a 56 Ur Woman w/disability that Dr. took out

    Right major ankle bone n am short 2 inches on right

    leg. Cannot get a job for liability of insurance!

    Sure HOPe someone will hear my prayers & be so kind

    To help ??????
    • The person replying to the 56 year old lady who is completely down on the ground and helplessly pleading for help should get some help. A lot of unforunate hard working good people like this lady are the people who never make it in this mean world. We believe in the good of people. Because we are good.She's not stupid. Please dont make fun of people who are vulnerable.

      You might end up that way some day.
    • You have been on this planet for 56 years, and you still fall for scam businesses. You can't spell. You can't use legible grammar. Very few of your sentences are complete., You think that the owner of a scam is not only going to read your scam review, but is going to give you money or a share, based on the fact that you were ripped of by another scam. I think you're missing more than your right ankle, possibly the right side of your brain as well. Wake the fuck up lady. When I read crap like this, it makes me think that Donald Trump will be elected next president, and if that happens this country will literally go to shit. People like you, and all you scam suckers, are the reason we have such a terrible, corrupt, and unbalanced country and such a major imbalance of wealth. No offense lady, but you are dumb as shit and deserve to only have $2.33 in your savings account. Actually, you don't even deserve that.

      I'm tempted to start my own scam business because there are so many millions of ignorant suckers just like you. Dumb ass.
  • I hate people that scams people that don't even have money to be scammed or anyone for that matter. They have no backbone and deserve any punishment that comes their way.
  • The Problems with iPAS & iPAS2

    Quite frankly, I find the whole iPAS2 MLM system to be a ridiculous yet crafty way to milk people for all their worth, while in the end, there is a whole lot of money being spent on very little, with even less to show for it.

    1. The iPAS2 system is an MLM (Multi-Level Marketing) Platform. Essentially, the more people you get under you plugged into this system, paying residual amounts on a monthly basis, then the more money you will make. This is unethical, as with most MLM's, you start seeing your friends and family members as dollar signs. And if your friends and family give you the reasons why they don't want to join your club, then it has been known to cause disfellowship amongst friends or for family members to break up. MLM's are UNETHICAL!!!

    2. On the onset, this system is very deceptive for two reasons: 1) They don't tell you what the products are til the very end (and tell you very little about it still)—even though their product, essentially, is the most important element to their business, or to any business for that matter. 2) They try to get you to sign up for free or for very little, telling you that you can make so so much, and then they drop the ball on you, again, toward the end of the online video course, telling you that you have to purchase all of their products in order to make any money from them.

    3. They say to spend $49 p/mo on the iPAS2 marketing System, when, essentially, that is the cost to stay plugged into their business structure and to have access to their “sanctioned” business coaches. Not knowing how experienced these coaches are at instructing others on how to successfully start, let alone operate a successful business.

    4. The products are a disappointment – they have a whopping total of about 5 products - a series of blogs and video teachings and online downloadable pdf's and tutorials on setting up and operating your online business. Yet just simply use google and youtube to see a plethora of good free information out there to teach you how to do just that!

    5. They charge outrageous amounts for the digital products. ($25 p/mo for a blog; $300 for a series of videos; $1000 for a bunch of other online stuff). This is unnecessary. Again, I know how to use google and youtube to find free information without having to spend anything.

    6. They wait to the very end to tell you what the products are. This tells me how much lack of confidence they have in their products. If a company is selling a spectacular product, the company will simply showcase it and it sells itself. Yet if a company does not have such a great product, they will have to invent an unnecessary and supposedly “genius” system around the product in order to sell it, and they also have to broadcast it with mounds of advertising in order to produce sufficient sales—and on top of it all – they wait til the very end of their business pitch to try and boost your hopes, telling you that you can make all of this money, to finally tell you what their products actually are. Yet another disappointment.

    7. While the iPAS2 system sounds interesting and even promising to the hearer, they want to probe you to see how much money you are willing to fork over to be able to “make more money” through their system.

    “What is confusing about iPAS is what, exactly, they get from you. If they are providing the website, the marketing, and the sales staff, as well as the products that will be sold on the website, then what exactly are you doing? Well, as far as I can see, you’ll be investing money.”

    [http://reviewopedia.com/workathome/ipas-marketing-system-reviews-is-ipas-legit-or-a-scam/ ; Accessed: 11/2/14.]

    The executives of iPAS2 have developed this intricate elaborate system around, essentially, 5 digital products to make you think that you are going to be successful. They are wolves – 5 digital products (which in their instructional videos they never explain in detail what they are for anyone to determine their value). Now, one may be successful depending on how many fish you can reel in, but this iPAS2 system is simply, a downright crafty and ingenious way to charge outrageous amounts of money to teach a few business principles which I could simply google. Withal, for very little to show for it.
    • Thank-you K! -for your wonderful explanation of what the iPas system is! I knew I should have checked for more information on iPas before buying into the Pro membership -with my last dime I might add...

      What you have shown about the iPas system has described exactly what I was feeling in my gut about this after watching just 3 of their explanatory videos. NO T-Y - REFUND PLEASE. I've seen enough and have NO intention of spending anymore on their "terrific opportunity" to make millions!

      The old adage : "Slow and Steady Wins the Race" is tried and true. Stick with that folks and watch out for all the slick schemers out their trying to scam you out of your hard earned money!

      Take it from someone who has sadly lost those millions!
  • Is there a product being sold here for the investment of $47 per month?
  • Ok, this is my take on all this. First of all this is 2015. by now we've seen enough bullshit and garbage of all sorts from scamers accross YouTube and Craigslist and all over the net. So many of us by now can see the signs of bs pretty quickly now. The first one is , For example, with IPAS, the very first introduction video with has a timer up above the video reminding you how much time you have to join at a particular discount. Right off the bat we all know that this is like a neon sign pressuring us to sign up right now, throw caution to the wind and sign up right now, (I'm so over that.) Number two, once you do sign up and your redirected to the training stuff you see pop up ads everywhere trying to take your money, more scamming. Now, the other thing The discrepancies involved with these online companies like for instance this one in particular says one dollar for each day for seven days, but some are being charged the full monthly amount during the first or second day and then when we call to try to get a refund they have a bad experience with somebody on the other line either being a smart ass or talking down to them or just point out acting like Dr. evil and acting like they got their money fair and square and there's nothing you can do about it and they basically laughed at you. there is nothing nice about IPASES customer service in anyway. I hate companies like this, I loathe them. A good company will not pressure you to sign up now. you won't see timers above trying to get you to make a move right this second. you won't see pop up ads everywhere trying to get you to sign up here and sign up there and spend your money here and spend your money there that is my idea of a good company.
    • David (and everyone else who thinks everything is a scam),

      Think about what business doesn't have a sale that ends 'tonight at midnight' and then once you're in the door they try to sell you other stuff...

      Christ - no wonder America is so fucked.
  • If its too good to be true, it probably is! I think a few will make money to reel oin the rest and no one will be able to trace their cent afterwards. Invest in urself there's no getting rich over night, without hurting other people.
  • Hi,my husband told me about ipass and he was very excited. I wasnt bc I dealt with ass..ls like them who suck u in with little cheese and put u on a death rope.

    I learned that if ppl ask u to give money to make money its usually smells bad.

    I told my hubby that there is NO SUCH THING AS GETTING RICH SHORT CUT.

    Thank U all for ur reviews.

    U open eyes of the blind so they wont get eaten by those EVIL SHARKS WHO PRAY ON PPL WTHAT LOOOK FOR HOPE.
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