Work at Home Institute Reviews – Legit or Scam?
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The Work at Home Institute, found online at, is a work at home opportunity from “the #1 job consultant in America,” Bobbie Robinson, which promises anyone can earn money from home.

Like an extremely high percentage of other work at home opportunities out there, Work at Home Institute claims to teach people how to post links online to make a large amount of money from home with little time and effort.

This program is currently discounted to $97 and comes with a two month money back guarantee if you try it and determine you are not making money and are not satisfied with the product you have received.

Signs of a Scam

The Work at Home Institute exhibits many of the classic red flags that are associated with unethical work at home opportunities. It is important to remember that these work at home opportunities are actually independent business opportunities.

As an independent business opportunity, it is misleading to make earning statements, since there are too many factors which will determine an individual’s income.

In addition, the sales page makes statements about certifications and “guarantees” of a position as a “Search Engine Agent.” Link posting and affiliate marketing require no forms of certification and the only people who use the term “Search Engine Agent” are companies trying to sell you training programs for this fabricated job.

The Reality

What Work at Home Institute calls a “Search Engine Agent” is actually an affiliate marketer, which is a legitimate independent business, though unfortunately one which takes far more time, effort, and money than is described on their sales page.

Also, historically speaking, these types of training programs usually don’t provide much more information than what you can find for free online, the one benefit being that it is usually organized in an efficient manner.

The website does mention a two month money back guarantee, but this refund is not well detailed in their Terms & Conditions or their Policy outline, stating that “if you are not making and are not satisfied” you can ask for a refund of your membership fee.

Similar companies usually use these types of policies to say that if you make even a dollar from their program you are no longer eligible for their refund. Or, immediately after you sign up for the program you are asked to invest larger sums of money which are then not eligible for refund.

If you decide to take a chance on any affiliate marketing training programs, be careful about the amount of money you are investing, and never invest more than you are comfortable losing.

As an extra precaution, most online purchases should be made with a major credit card, so if you have issues with fraudulent charges, the credit card company can help you get your money back.

If you're at because you are looking for a way to make money online then check out our article "7 Ways to Make Money Online" - methods that anyone can use to earn an income from home.

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Customer Responses, Reviews, or Complaints

Average Rating for " Work at Home Institute " is 1.37 out of 5 based on 38 reviews.
  • Thank you for all your postings. Very helpful
  • I have have to say is stop being lazy and get a real job. You should know when it's too good to be Ture its Not.
    • thank you Luly - I have an illness and I cannot work anymore I haven't been able to for the last 6 mths. Waiting for Disability to kick in is a long wait. I have been looking for something that I may be able to do at home that is legitimate.

      TO NELSON: if your going to be a public ass at least learn how to spell.
    • Hey. Pay attention asshole. You have a customer. Say it slowly: "You want fries with that order?"
    • haha and why tf you here checking for scams stupid
    • He can't even type or write correctly. I'm sure you all picked up on that one. Toche Nelson. To all you others, good luck on all y'alls job hunts. We got this folks! By the way Nelson, i work two jobs, graphic art/embroidery etc.and on my family farm. Doin just that little bit more for my family was what i was seeking. So go pet my bull Axel,he really really likes sarcastics buttheads like you.
    • Many people are dealing with illnesses that prevent them from doing a "9-5" sitting in an office. Its not laziness for many people.
    • Nelson its a shame that I can tell just through the internet your a completely insensitive individual. My dad just had heart surgery literally 2-3 weeks ago and will not be able to physically work or in your case (get a real job) for the next 3 months. So honestly I was hoping this would've been a great opportunity for him. And a little tip, If its not helpful then there's no need for your two-sense.
    • some people, even with hard earned college degrees, just can't find a job and are getting desperate. I would LOVE to have a brick and mortar job to report to each day, but all I do is apply, interview, get shot down, apply, interview, get shot down. I work very hard just trying to get hired!!! watch what you say, you could be next....
    • And who are you to judge people's lives??... If you didn't you learn that if you don't have anything nice to say...DON'T SAY IT.....???...
  • I saw raving reviews for this (ALL GOOD) and signed up...soon after got a job and didn't have any spare time to be online so i asked for my money back. It took a good three or four FIRM emails and a phone call or two form them (which i ignored) but i did get my money back within two weeks!!

    Also their customer service is very polite and eager to please...i didn't get scammed at all

    the only thing is it does require a lot more work then laid out but like i said, if you give them a call they will happily help you in any way possible.

    i think this is one genuine way to make money online and if you have the perseverance can actually profit from it...many people have
  • So I need to know what can be done with these people who are continuously ripping people off. Is there anything that can be done or do we need to just don't fall prey to these people shenanigans.
  • I almost signed up i had the guy on the phone to help me then saw this page and the comments so glad i didnt do it!
  • Guys

    Any One know if i can Get my money back??
  • There are so many of these scammers offering work at home and taking people's money unlawfully that I don't understand why the State Attorneys of the affected people don't do anything to stop and prosecute these people. With today's technologies in place, you would think this to be possible. I don't understand what happens with our elected officials. I guess they don't read these postings. The only way to force them to do something is at the polls.
    • You can sue them and report them to the attorney general. I know the attorney general is working to shut down these illegal companies however they've become very smart about what they say ( read the " small" print, so critical because they expertly hide details that make it " legal". In addition most have moved the actual " company " ( usually one or a few greedy horrible people moved ovetseas one of their favorites currently is Vietnam. Very little if anything can be done to find them and get justice. As technology continues to grow and control our lives we need to be much more vigilant.
  • I read enough, it is a scam because they ask for your money first which is one of the red flags to a scam.
    • I just signed up last week, paid for program,

      and now it won't even let me sign in.

      Scam, I think so!
  • Oooopppps I meant Dreadful not Excellent.
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