Work Like Scott Reviews – Is Legit or a Scam? a website by “Scott Carter” promises to teach you how to make money from Google.  On the site you’ll find several pictures of checks he received from Google along with his recommendations for a kit that you can use to learn how to duplicate his success.

Now most people wouldn’t recognize this site but “Work Like Scott” is not a new website in fact it’s using what’s now known as the Kevin Hoeffer template.  The reason it’s called that is that when the original website first surfaced, over a year ago, instead of Scott Carter the name used was Kevin H.

The website was so effectively marketed that it

John Stalvey Reviews – Is Legit or a Scam?

John Stalvey is the creator of a brand new business opportunity that’s generating a lot of attention.  Through his website,, John is sharing a system that is supposedly fully automated and beyond lucrative.

When you read through his website you start to get a picture of what his opportunity is all about.  On his site he explains that when you buy into 15kProfits you’ll be getting a fully functional sales funnel that’s ready for promotion.

Your goal will be to follow along John Stalvey as he teaches you how to advertise this funnel online.  If you’re not familiar with a sales funnel it simply refers to a combination of

Giveaway Recruiters Reviews
Is Legit or a Scam?

Giveaway recruiters is a new product that claims to teach people how to make money by giving away free samples.  This concept is relatively new and the information that they’re selling has never been marketed from this angle.

They claim that thousands of companies need people like you to help give away their products everyday online.  Thus, giveaway recruiters is here to show you how you can get started in this supposedly lucrative field.

At first glance this opportunity seems legit and even worthy of an endorsement since they take a solid marketing concept and combine it with a home business model; however when you take time to thoroughly examine

Home Income Profit System (Home Income Wealth System)
Reviews – Legit or Scam?

The Home Income Profit System (recently renamed The Home Income Wealth System) is a now notorious internet scheme that claims to help you make money from home. Their make money kit is often promoted through the use of fake newspaper articles and other unscrupulous means.

You may have seen “news articles” talking about a Kelly Richards (who incidentally lives in your area) and how much money she made working online. If you look at the article more carefully you’ll see that it’s nothing but a farce, closely resembling what real news sites commonly look like.

It comes as no surprise to me that Home Income Wealth System is almost a

Kevin Hoeffer Strikes Again
Kevin’s Money Tree Scam Still Operating

I was surprised to come across two websites still featuring Kevin Hoeffer and his make money posting links on Google kits.  Websites like and were rampant in 2009 until the authorities caught on and launched massive investigations into these fraudulent businesses.

Google itself stepped in and banned the advertising accounts of anyone promoting anything that had to do with make money on Google kits.  These actions seemed to work as these programs disappeared, which makes the reemergence of Kevins Money Tree all the more puzzling, as the owner must know it’s only a matter of time till the sites gets flagged.

Why are The Kevin Hoeffer Money Tree