Category «Penny Auction Sites»

Arrow Outlet Reviews – Legit or Scam?

Arrow is a new penny auction site.  A penny auction, if you haven’t heard of one before, is a type of auction where you purchase bids – priced at $.50 each at Arrow Outlet – to use in attempt to win brand new, popular items at extremely discounted prices.

Unlike regular auctions, you are not given the ability to bid your own price.  Instead, you simply make a bid, which raises the “cost” of the item by a few cents.  Once the clock has run out and someone has won the auction, the winner must pay the final price of the item, despite whatever costs they have already paid in Reviews – Legit or Scam? is a new penny auction website that is rising in popularity.  Penny auction sites are everywhere these days, with promises of receiving big items for little prices.

Most penny auction sites work in similar ways with only certain variations.  In general, you are required to pay for a package of bids which you can then use to bid on various items in increments of one penny.

Every time a bid is placed, the auction clock resets to 20 seconds.  Since Jeaper has no bid minimum that must be reached, the auction simply ends when people decide to no longer bid, meaning the last person to bid wins. assures Reviews – Legit or Scam?

Bid is another penny auction website gaining in popularity these days.  Penny auctions are quickly growing in notoriety, not only because of the vast rise in different penny auction sites, but also because of the quickly approaching holiday season.  With most families having economic difficulties, the idea of getting a loved one a great quality, expensive gift at a fraction of the cost is obviously very attractive.

A penny auction site is exactly what it sounds like: an auction website where you bid on items in increments of one penny at a time.  Because the auction is conducted in cents, items that are generally very expensive, like televisions, cameras, and Reviews – Legit or Scam?

Bid is a new penny auction site that has been getting a lot of attention.  Penny auctions are a specific niche in the online auction community that have been getting progressively more popular recently.

These websites have risen in popularity because they promise in demand, expensive items at unbelievably low prices.  But often what isn’t advertised, is the specific way in which penny auctions work.  In a penny auction, you are only allowed to bid a single penny at one time.  The prices that these items “sell” for is so unbelievably low because the bids are done in increments of one cent.

However, for each bid you place, you pay Reviews – Legit or Scam? is a popular penny auction site that has recently started advertising on TV, making it one of the larger auction sites and, of course, making it one that people have a lot of questions about.

A penny auction site, for those of you that don’t know, is an auction site where each bid you place is limited to one penny.  This results in items that cost hundreds or even thousands of dollars being sold for an unbelievably low fraction of the cost.

However, the difference between a penny auction and a standard auction website, is that at a penny auction site you must pay for each bid that you